Dear Eftim,
we know about this problem and we are working hard to solve it. Unfortunately, we still wasn't able to identify its source.
For now we decided to temporarily turn off the leaderboard and submission systems. They will be back online as soon as we fix the problem.
Best regards,
Andrzej Janusz
The Leaderboard feature and the submission system are working again.
Thank you very much for your understanding and patience!
Andrzej Janusz
I just wanted to report that some of my submissions show AUC equal to 0... and I don't think I messed up the labels ;o).
Dear Adam,
Thank you for letting us know about the issue!
I hope that currently everything works as it is supposed to but please let us know if you encounter any other problems or strange behaviour of our system.
Best regards,
Andrzej Janusz
Hi, Just to let you know, both of my weekend submissions are not evaluated. The sumbission Score is N/A.
Dear Sebastian,
your two last solutions were not formatted in accordance to our guidelines and thus, were evaluated with an error. You can check the details after clicking on the green mark next to your solution, in your submission list.
Andrzej Janusz
I think that again there is a problem with "Leaderboard" page again. I can submit, submissions are evaluated but the Leaderboard site is just empty (or at least this what I see).
I've got the same. Just a note: the link takes to the 'Finalboard', not the leaderboard. That may be a useful hint in diagnosing the problem.
Dear Jan and Adam,
as always, thank you for the notice. Both problems (the one with redirections and the empty leaderboard) should be solved by now.
However, we are still working on improving overall performance and stability of the platform, so there is a possibility that such 'side effects' can re-appear in future. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused and also to remain vigilant :-)
Best regards,
Andrzej Janusz
Andrzej, the problem was fixed, however it looks like there's still some other bug -- the results on the leaderboard do not seem to be properly refreshed -- it looks like my best score is not what it is on my private submissions page.
It looks like the leaderboard is not refreshed properly...
We are still working on it :-/
At least we are sure that personal scores of participants are displayed correctly on the submission lists. We will restore the leaderboard as soon as it is possible.
Andrzej Janusz
Definately the leaderboard looks better now... :-D
Let the AUC soar!
Things returned to their usual state ;-)
Andrzej Janusz
Can't agree more... ^-)