There are all standard and public Competitions in this category. Any User can take part in any of the Challenges within.
IEEE BigData 2024 Cup: Predicting Chess Puzzle Difficulty
The aim of the competition is to predict the difficulty of chess puzzles based on board configurations and moves that the solution to each puzzle consists of. The difficulty level is measured as the rating on the lichess platform. The top 3 solutions will be awarded prizes.
IEEE BigData 2024 Cup: Predicting Chess Puzzle Difficulty is the sixth data science competition organized in association with the IEEE International Conference on Big Data series (IEEE BigData 2024,
See the detailed program of our competition presentations at IEEE BigData 2024 -

2 weeks ago
FedCSIS 2024 Data Science Challenge: Predicting Stock Trends
FedCSIS 2024 Data Science Challenge: Predicting Stock Trends is the 10th data science challenge organized under the auspices of the Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems ( In this anniversary edition, the task is related to financial data - participants are asked to predict the performance of investments in selected stocks from several industry sectors. The competition is sponsored by Yettel.Bank (former Mobi Banka) ( and the Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems series.

8 months, 2 weeks ago
IEEE BigData 2023 Cup: Object Recognition with Muon Tomography using Cosmic Rays
IEEE BigData 2023 Cup: Object Recognition with Muon Tomography using Cosmic Rays is the fifth data science competition organized in association with the IEEE International Conference on Big Data series (IEEE BigData 2023, The challenge is related to the general idea of recognizing objects based on spatial data. As one of the approaches derived directly from known tomography methods, the competition task focuses on the non-invasive examination of the structure of x-rayed objects. The challenge is sponsored by QED Software (

1 year, 4 months ago
FedCSIS 2023 Challenge: Cybersecurity Threat Detection in the Behavior of IoT Devices
FedCSIS 2023 Challenge: Cybersecurity Threat Detection in the Behavior of IoT Devices is the 9th data science competition organized in association with Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems ( This year, the task is related to cybersecurity - participants will construct scoring models to detect anomalous operating system behavior of IoT devices under attack. The challenge is sponsored by Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG and EFIGO sp. z o.o. companies.

1 year, 8 months ago
ICME 2023 Grand Challenge: Predicting Frags in Tactic Games
ICME 2023 Grand Challenge: Predicting Frags in Tactic Games is the first data science competition organized in association with the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo ( conference series at KnowledgePit. The task continues the topic from IEEE BigData 2021 Cup: Predicting Victories in Video Games. This time, we ask participants to predict the chances of scoring a frag in a tactical video game Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift ( based on game screenshots and auxiliary information about the game. The competition is sponsored by the IEEE ICME 2023 conference.

1 year, 10 months ago
IEEE BigData 2022 Cup: Privacy-preserving Matching of Encrypted Images
IEEE BigData 2022 Cup: Privacy-preserving Matching of Encrypted Images is a data mining competition organized in association with the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2022, The task is to verify the image anonymization mechanisms of smart monitoring devices developed jointly by MyLED and QED Software as a part of the AraHUB technology ( The challenge is sponsored by MyLED (

2 years, 4 months ago
FedCSIS 2022 Challenge: Predicting the Costs of Forwarding Contracts
FedCSIS 2022 Challenge: Predicting the Costs of Forwarding Contracts is the 8th data mining competition organized in association with Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems ( At this year's competition, the task is to predict the costs related to the execution of forwarding contracts. The challenge is sponsored by Control System Software (

2 years, 8 months ago
IEEE BigData 2021 Cup: Predicting Victories in Video Games
Predicting Victories in Video Games is a data mining challenge organized in association with IEEE BigData 2021 ( conference. The task is to predict winners in Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift (, based on game logs. The competition is sponsored by QED Software (

3 years, 4 months ago
IEEE BigData 2020 Cup: Predicting Escalations in Customer Support
Predicting Escalations in Customer Support is a data mining challenge organized in association with the IEEE BigData 2020 conference. The task is to predict which cases in Information Builders, Inc. (ibi) technical support ticketing system will be escalated in the nearest future by customers. The competition is organized jointly by ibi ( and QED Software (

4 years, 4 months ago
FedCSIS 2020 Challenge: Network Device Workload Prediction
FedCSIS 2020 Data Mining Challenge: Network Device Workload Prediction is the seventh data mining competition organized in association with Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems ( This time, the considered task is related to the monitoring of large IT infrastructures and the estimation of their resource allocation. The challenge is sponsored by EMCA Software and Polish Information Processing Society (PTI).

4 years, 8 months ago
IEEE BigData 2019 Cup: Suspicious Network Event Recognition
Suspicious Network Event Recognition is a data mining challenge organized in association with IEEE BigData 2019 conference. The task is to decide which alerts should be regarded as suspicious based on information extracted from network traffic logs. The competition is kindly sponsored by Security On-Demand ( and QED Software (

5 years, 4 months ago
Clash Royale Challenge: How to Select Training Decks for Win-rate Prediction
Clash Royale Challenge is the sixth data mining competition organized in association with the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems ( This year, the task is related to the problem of selecting an optimal training data subset for learning how to predict win-rates of the most popular Clash Royale decks. The competition is kindly sponsored by eSensei, QED Software and Polish Information Processing Society (PTI).

5 years, 8 months ago
ESENSEI Challenge: Marking Hair Follicles on Microscopic Images
ESENSEI Challenge is a data mining competition, whereby the task is to design an algorithm for accurate marking of follicle positions on microscopic images.

6 years, 8 months ago
AAIA'18 Data Mining Challenge: Predicting Win-rates of Hearthstone Decks
AAIA'18 Data Mining Challenge is the fifth competition organized within the framework of International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications ( This time, the task is to assess win-rates of Hearthstone decks in games played between AI bots. The competition is kindly sponsored by Silver Bullet Labs, eSensei and Polish Information Processing Society (PTI).

6 years, 9 months ago
AAIA'17 Data Mining Challenge: Helping AI to Play Hearthstone
AAIA'17 Data Mining Challenge is the fourth data mining competition organized within the framework of International Symposium Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications ( This time, the task is to come up with an efficient prediction model which would help AI to play the game of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. The competition is kindly sponsored by Silver Bullet Solutions and Polish Information Processing Society (PTI).

7 years, 8 months ago
ISMIS'17 Data Mining Competition: Trading Based on Recommendations
ISMIS 2017 Data Mining Competition is a challenge organized using the KnowledgePit platform at the 23rd International Symposium on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems, held at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, on June 26-29, 2017. The task is to come up with a strategy for investing in a stock market based on recommendations provided by different experts. The competition is kindly sponsored by mBank S.A. and Tipranks, with a support from ISMIS 2017 organizers.

8 years ago
AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge: Predicting Dangerous Seismic Events in Active Coal Mines
AAIA'16 Data Mining Challenge is the third data mining competition associated with International Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'16, which is a part of FedCSIS conference series. This time, the task is related to the problem of predicting periods of increased seismic activity which may cause life-threatening accidents in underground coal mines. Prizes worth over 3,000 USD will be awarded to the most successful teams. The contest is sponsored by Research and Development Centre EMAG ( with support from Polish Information Processing Society ( and Dituel Sp. z o.o. (

8 years, 11 months ago
IJCRS'15 Data Challenge: Mining Data from Coal Mines
IJCRS'15 Data Challenge: Mining Data from Coal Mines is a competition organized within a frame of The 2015 International Joint Conference on Rough Sets (IJCRS'15). It continues the tradition of data mining challenges associated with rough set conferences. This time, the task is related to the problem of monitoring and prediction of dangerous concentrations of methane in longwalls of a Polish coal mine. The competition is sponsored by Research and Development Centre EMAG ( with support from International Rough Set Society.

9 years, 7 months ago
PAKDD'15 Data Mining Competition: Gender Prediction Based on E-commerce Data
PAKDD'15 Data Mining Competition: Gender Prediction Based on E-commerce Data is our first competition organized within the frame of The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD). We would like to challenge participants with a task of devising effective algorithms for recognizing a gender of e-store clients. A data set for the competition was provided by FPT Group which is also the main sponsor of the awards.

9 years, 9 months ago
AAIA'15 Data Mining Competition: Tagging Firefighter Activities at a Fire Scene
AAIA'15 Data Mining Competition: Tagging Firefighter Activities at a Fire Scene is a continuation of the last year's competition organized within the framework of International Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'15). It is also an integral part of the 2nd Complex Events and Information Modelling workshop (CEIM'15 devoted to the fire protection engeneering. This time, the task is related to the problem of recognizing activities carried out by firefighters based on streams of information from body sensor networks. Prizes worth over 4,000 PLN will be awarded to the most successful teams. The contest is sponsored by Polish Information Processing Society (, with a support from University of Warsaw ( and ICRA project.

9 years, 8 months ago
AAIA'14 Data Mining Competition: Key risk factors for Polish State Fire Service
AAIA'14 Data Mining Competition: Key risk factors for Polish State Fire Service is organized within the framework of the 9th International Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AAIA'14,, and is an integral part of the 1st Complex Events and Information Modelling workshop (CEIM'14 devoted to the fire protection engeneering. The task is related to the problem of extracting useful knowledge from incident reports obtained from The State Fire Service of Poland. Prizes worth over 3,000 USD will be awarded to the most successful teams. The contest is sponsored by Dituel Sp. z o.o. ( and F&K Consulting Engineers (, with a support from The University of Warsaw ( and ICRA project.

10 years, 9 months ago
Recruitment Challenge @ QED Software
This is an internal data mining challenge at QED Software, aiming at checking ML skills of new employees.

9 months, 1 week ago
Second semester project for Decision Systems course 2023/2024
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2023/2024 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

1 year ago
First semester project for Decision Systems Course 2023/2024
This is the first project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2023/2024 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

1 year, 1 month ago
Second semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2022/2023 course at MIM UW
This is the second semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2022/2023 course at MIM UW. This time, the task is to assign correct labels to samples annotated by 'simulated' experts and estimate their true positive rates for a prediction problem related to the identification of firefighter activities based on multiple sensor readings.

1 year, 7 months ago
Second semester project for Data Mining 2022/2023 course
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Data Mining course 2022/2023 (and 2023/2024) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. The task is to predict topics of scientific publications based on their abstracts.

7 months, 4 weeks ago
SUS 2023/2024 Second Project
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Machine Learning 2022/2023 course (Systemy Uczące Się - SUS) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

7 months, 4 weeks ago
First semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2022/2023 course at MIM UW
This is the first semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2022/2023 course at MIM UW. The task is to choose optimal batches of queries for training a model for predicting frags in a video game Tactical Troops: Anthracite Shift.

1 year, 9 months ago
Second semester project for Decision Systems Course 2022/2023
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2022/2023 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

2 years ago
First semester project for Decision Systems Course 2022/2023
This is the first project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2022/2023 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

2 years, 2 months ago
Second semester project for Data Mining 2021/2022 course
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Data Mining course 2021/2022 at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. The task is to predict topics of scientific publications based on their abstracts.

2 years, 8 months ago
Second semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2021/2022 course
This is the second semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2021/2022 course. The task is to choose optimal first batch of queries for training a simple classification model.

2 years, 8 months ago
First semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2021/2022 course
This is the first semester project for the Interactive Machine Learning 2021/2022 course. The task is to choose optimal batches of queries for training a multi-label prediction model.

2 years, 9 months ago
Second semester project for Decision Systems 2021/2022 Course
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2021/2022 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

3 years ago
First semester project for Decision Systems 2021/2022 Course
This is the first project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2021/2022 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

3 years, 1 month ago
Second Semester Project for Machine Learning 2020/2021 Course
This is the second semester project for students enrolled in the Machine Learning 2020/2021 course (1000-2N09SUS) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.

3 years, 8 months ago
Semester Project for Decision Systems 2020/2021 Course
This is a semester project for students enrolled in the Decision System 2020/2021 course at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

4 years ago
Semester Project for Data Mining 2019/2020 Course
This is the second project for students enrolled in the Data Mining course 2019/2020 at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.

4 years, 7 months ago

8 years, 9 months ago

8 years, 8 months ago

8 years, 8 months ago

8 years, 8 months ago
Projekt zaliczeniowy dla przedmiotów Data Mining oraz SUS

6 years, 5 months ago