The json files are corrupted.
I tried to open it in R, I got this error:
Error in parse_con(txt, bigint_as_char) : parse error: trailing garbage
":1,"gamestate_id":4687346} {"player":{"hand":[{"attack":4,
(right here) ------^
I pick a small portion (5 gamestate_IDs) of the file and try to view it with "" I got similar error:
Error: Parse error on line 1: ...state_id":4687346} {"player":{"hand":[{ ----------------------^ Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got '{'
I opened the same file in Tableau, it only shows the first gamestate.
It seems that between the first gamestate_id and the second one there should be a special charechter that is missed.
Dear Amin,
please note that the provided files with game descriptions are not in the JSON format. They are text files which in each row have a JSON record. If you take any single row of the provided files, it will be a proper JSON describing a game state.
I realize that it might be a bit confusing... I can provide you a script in R for converting the data chunks into JSON files if you like.
Best regards,