Is there going to be a special session on the PAKDD 2015 conference related to the competititon? If the contest participant is among the winners of the competition, but has not submited a paper to the conference will he be able to participate and publish a paper (for example extended version of the report) on the conference?
Dear Eftim,
since we had very little time for organizing this competition, we were not able to provide enough time for participants to prepare a paper which could be published in PAKDD'15 conference proceedings.
At the conference, there will be a special session devoted to the competition and we plan to invite authors of the most interesting solutions to present their approach. The form of this session is not fixed just yet - it might be in a form of regular presentations or a poster session. This will be announced later.
Moreover, we are currently working on a proposal for a special issue of an international journal, which would be devoted to this contest. If we succeed, we will invite participants to submit the extended versions of their reports to that special issue.
Let me also use this occasion to draw your attention to another competition that is currently ongoing at our platform: The most interesting solutions to this problem could be extended to regular conference papers at FedCSIS'15 :-)
Best regards,
Andrzej Janusz