Paper Submissions Instructions
by nxgtr - Thursday, June 27, 2024, 20:34:33

I have submitted my paper (ID 1407). However, I am not sure if I did the right thing.

When going EasyShare to review my submission, it shows me I am in:
"FedCSIS Track: Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Applications (AAIA)"

But I was expecting to be in the Data Mining Challenge track.

Can you confirm if I got it right or need to move something?

[New Submissions] redirects to "New Submission for FedCSIS 2024 (Data Mining Competition)"
But there you are required to select a "Track", which does not have the competition, so I just left the first option.

RE: Paper Submissions Instructions
by andrzej - Wednesday, July 03, 2024, 10:32:22


Thanks for submitting and letting us know.

We moved your submission to the right event in EasyChair.

Kind regards,